Mama Meditations

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In case you missed it, I published my first book, a collection of original poetry entitled Hindsight 2020: A New and Selected Poems by Bethany Wallace in June.

After publishing a poetry book, I set to work publishing a series of devotional books/gratitude journals for moms. You can find the series and the Collection on Amazon. I am so excited to share Mama Meditations with all the moms out there.

I started writing Mama Meditations several years ago. Each time I had 30 minutes to spare, I jotted down an entry. I compiled these entries–life lessons learned through parenting–and added prayer prompts and Scriptural references accordingly. Lastly, I provided adequate space for you to practice gratitude by creating your own unique gratitude lists. Creating a daily gratitude list is how God transformed my attitude from one of cynicism and pessimism to one of joy, contentment, and gratitude over the course of three years.

Mama Meditations: Volumes I and II are devotional books and gratitude journals designed for moms determined to grow closer to God while becoming whole, healthy Christian parents. The books each contain 60 spiritual reflections written in story format expressing lessons learned through parenting about how to become not only better moms but also the joyful, light-bearing individuals God created us to be.

Readers seeking encouragement and support in recovery programs will especially benefit from hearing about my experience in recovery and mention of Twelve Step recovery principles. All entries are accompanied by brief prayer prompts, Scripture excerpts, and journal prompts with space for creating gratitude lists specific to your experience. I believe what God has taught me through being a mom will inspire, strengthen, and encourage you as a reader and blog follower, too.

Will you do me a favor and share this page with a mom who might benefit?

Thank you for taking time to read and for sharing with others!

“Let the word of God dwell in you richly… and sing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” -Colossians 3:16

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